"LET my LIFESONG sing to YOU"


Saturday, October 6, 2007

Spiritual Spectacles

Man oh man!!
This last week I broke my glasses. My spectacles that is.

I tell you, it was not a fun time. I did not realize how dependent I was on them, until I did not have them. I had to go without them for almost a week.I just didn't have time until the weekend to go buy new ones.

Everyting was so unclear without them. I had to squint to make sense of anything further than a fewf eet away. And even then, everyhting was still fuzzy.

What a nuissance. Clear vision is truly taken for granted.

What did I ever do without my glasses?

I couldn't but help think how my vision parallels my spiritual life. Without my glasses everything is but a haze. I can't really make things out. Life is tough without them.

Jesus, is like a pair of spiritual glasses. With Him in my life, things make sense.

Things look brighter. Life is clearer and with "vision".

Thankfully God's eyes never weaken. Through him our sight and insight of life is strengthened. With Him in our lives we see clearer. We know better how to avoid stumbling blocks; we have a clearer path ahead of us.

What did I ever do without Him?

By looking at the world through Jesus, we can make him our spiritual spectacle. I don't want to ever imagine looking at this world without looking through him. What a dim and faded life it would be.

My ordeal made me think of that great,old, wonderful hymn by Helen Limmel.
it goes:

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus,

Look full in HIS wonderful face,

and the things of earth will grow strangely dim,

by the light of His glory and grace."

Want to see the complete lyrics with music?

Then go here

What great lyrics!

And what do you know, God even gives us a verse to pertain:

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. -

- Hebrews 12:2 (NIV)

Thank you Jesus, for giving me insight into your beautiful Word, even if through my uncomfortable circumstance.

1 comment:

megans page... said...

Hey Noel Bhaiya.
Well this may sound a bit random, but is there a specific reason you decided to email all of us your blog yesterday?
...I was just asking, because I had an off day and it made me think about MY blog... I was thinking about the one you talked to us about when you were the youth director....
I don't write in it often, but I thought about how great of a way it is to let out your thoughts....
so I wanted to thank you for letting me be included in your blog and to tell you to keep writing, because it helped me today, and maybe it'll help someone else tomorrow!

Love always, Megan