"LET my LIFESONG sing to YOU"


Tuesday, October 16, 2007


What’s a SNAFU you ask?

Well, it’s a term I heard a very long time ago.
I think I must have first picked it up in Jr. High School.
Since that time, I’ve often thought of the word (the
acronym actually). There have been plenty of times
over the years that it has applied to decisions,
areas, and aspects of my life.

Having its origins in the early 1940s, SNAFU
came out of WWII history. It basically means
“Situation Normal All Fouled Up”,
okay, its original meaning doesn't exactly mean "fouled",
but I think I should keep this blog at least “PG” rated.

From it’s meaning you can render how it was/is used.
It applies perfectly when things don’t go according to plan.
It applies when you think one way but the end result is another.
How many of us can think of times like that?

Well, I had the opportunity to think about it again this
weekend. My wife, Komal, and I were blessed with a wonderful
opportunity to attend a marriage retreat this past weekend.
The opportunity itself is a great blog article in itself, but I’ll
keep that for later.

Before you jump ahead yourselves, I’m not saying our
weekend was SNAFUed. Quite the contrary, our weekend
was an enlightenment that was greater than our expectations.
In fact, I had several “Ah-ha moments”, but I’ll just write
about one here.

Here’s what made me think of SNAFU:

Our Sr. Pastor, Todd Wagner, of Watermark Community Church
shed some great light onto a subject that I thought I already knew
about; that is the subject of creation. However, he shed some light
in such an angle that it added a layer of understanding to my
perspective. Without going into too much detail, let me summarize.

In Genesis 1 & 2:
God’s order was:


After this, God said “it is good”

In Genesis 3:
Satan comes along and introduces sin into the world.
Satan, posing as a creature (the created not the Creator),
therefore, symbolizing the world, introduces sin to the female,
and it trickles down to the male. Satan’s introduction is a
reverse in God’s order; it is now:


What’s more, there is disaccord and strife (~) along each

This “is bad”, no longer “good”.

This is how sin entered, and remains in our world.

This is why we live in less than heaven on earth;
this is why there are wars;
this is why there is disease;
this is why there is death.
The list can go on and on. But also, this is why there are
marital problems. There is strife/disaccord among husband and wife.

Man, if that’s not a SNAFU ...... I don’t know what is.

Mega, maha supreme, mucho grande, ultimate SNAFU
here !!!!!!!!

You see, God’s design for marriage was and is oneness.
Unity is the team goal that marriage should signify.

Jesus tells us in

Matthew 19:4-6
“Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the
Creator 'made them male and female,’ and said, 'For this reason a man will
leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become
one flesh'? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined
together, let man not separate."

God’s purpose in marriage is two-fold; one is to reveal
His glory, and second is to make us holy (not necessarily, only, happy).

God allows adversity in marriage (as in other areas) to
sanctify us, that is, to mold us into the shape of His Son.
Paul, in his letter to the Romans, tells us that suffering can be a tool
used by God.

In Romans 5:3-4 he says:
… but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering
produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.

WOW! Now that preaches.
Take a SNAFU and shed some light on it !!

But, here’s the WOW that slams the ball out of the field:

God knew the SNAFU was going to happen,
and He had a “Plan A” all along.
Notice, I said “Plan A”, not “Plan B or C”.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and
only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
– John 3:16

You see, God loved us so much, even though He knew that we would “foul up” his “situation
normal”, He was waiting to implement his plan at just the right time.

With Jesus, God’s goal is to bring the fallen world back to order, back to his original design.


“It is good.”

So what are we willing to choose?
Will we follow God’s plan of restoration or continue in chaos?
Will we accept Jesus Christ as the only Way to salvation?

God leaves the choice to you.

Will you decide with a true heart?

I leave you with this:

How long are you going to be paralyzed by indecision? If the Lord is the true
God, then follow him
- 1Kings 18:21

If you’re ready for eternal life; if you want
relief from eternal separation from God (hell that is) pray
this prayer (or something like it):

Oh Jesus, thank you for giving us
restoration from the biggest of all SNAFUs
that we have ever created. Please forgive our SNAFUs
as we forgive those who SNAFU against us. I know I have created a
SNAFU of my life, and I know that you can provide SNAFU relief.
Please help me to not be paralyzed with indecision, but open
my eyes and let me see that you have paid the price. Let my feeble mind understand why that price needs to be paid, and let my heart open up to your grace. My heart, my soul, my all is for you starting now.
From this day forward let me live for you. I need you.
I promise, if I do not see a transformation in my lifestyle starting at this moment,
I will re-check my heart and dedication immediately.
Oh Lord, please search my heart and remove the darkness and move me into
the light. I want to be a part of your family and an active member of your Kingdom. My Lord and Savior is Jesus Christ. AMEN.

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