"LET my LIFESONG sing to YOU"


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

To Tattoo?

This past Sunday, someone I know quite well asked me what I thought
about tattoos.As I was asked, I knew that this person H\had just received
a tattoo. I couldn’t see it because it was one of those that aren’t overtly visible.
I began stating my thoughts
and the receiving party did not really say
much in reply. In fact, they thought that I was upset at them. Though I
was not upset, I was a bit perplexed.

Since that conversation, it has stirred me to actually study the topic

of tattoos and howGod may view them. Let me say, there are a
variety of different views; this is not an
easy topic to gather Biblical

wisdom on.

My first and most obvious stop was that verse in Leviticus that

talks about tattoos specifically:

"You shall not make any cuts in your body for the
dead nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves:
I am the LORD.” – Lev. 19:28 (NASB)

pretty straight forward. No? Case closed.

For many, this does shut the doors on the case - tattoos are

against the will of God; the Bible clearly says so. But the problem

arises when you take the context of when, where,why,

and to whom this passage was written. If you read the surrounding

verses it becomes apparent that this command was given as a

ceremonial law. The intent of it was to distinguish the people of

Israel in the OT from pagan worshipers. It was not specifically the

act of getting a tattoo that was wrong, but more specifically what

it represented. It was concerned with where the heart of the people

was and where and what it could lead to.

This today can still be of concern. Some people may still get tattoos

today that are or can turn into forms of idol worship. In which
case it is without a doubt a serious violation
of God’s will and

command. Nonetheless, it is probably safe to say pagan rituals

or idol worship is not the intention of many who get tattoos today.

Before I go on let me state that any lewd symbol, image, or

phrase tattooed or not that goes against God’s morals, codes,

or truths is certainly a sin. But what about those seemingly

harmless “works of art” - a flower, a dog, a star, or how about

even a cross or a Bible verse?

Would these be against God’s will?

This is what I want to form a stance on. Is it a sin to get these

types of tattoos?

I think the answer lies in the purpose of giving the command in
Leviticus 19:28. The purpose was not to specifically condemn
the tattoo, but rather to keep the hearts of God’s people pure and
clean. By getting a tattoo is your heart still pure and clean?
The answer to this question can obviously vary depending on whom

you ask.

We live in a post OT age. We are not bound by OT ceremonial laws.

Though many OT laws still apply to us (ie, moral and civil laws) such as

the Ten Commandments, those laws that were a foreshadowing of

Christ’s sacrifice are now fulfilled in Jesus.

We, as NT believers and doers, are living under His grace and mercy.

Praise Jesus for this. Thank God we are not bound by those

OT ceremonial laws.

The question is not if getting a tattoo is wrong. The question is this –
is getting that tattoo going to be something that glorifies God?
Before getting that tattoo take your decision to Jesus. Pray for guidance.
Ask him if it is his will for your life. Let the Holy Spirit guide you.

Now, I can not imagine that a tattoo for me would be God’s will.
Nor do I think
that it is God's will for many, but it maybe or a few –
I can not make that decision for someone. But, if the important
steps of taking God’s guidance are ignored before you make that
decision suffice it to say it is more than likely not God’s will and
you will probably be commiting a sin against Him. That’s
not a place where you want to be.
Only with prayer, God’s Word, and through Godly counsel (mature
believers that walk with the Lord daily) can you make a wise and
non-sinning decision in this matter.

How will you use that tattoo to Glorify God?

1 Cor 10:31 tells us to glorify him, in anything and everything that we do.

The Apostle Paul tells us :

"Everything is permissible"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is
permissible"—but not everything is constructive. – 1 Cor 10:23

If you get that tattoo will it be constructive in building Kingdom rewards? If you don’t
ask these types of questions and answer them honestly, prior to getting that tattoo,
then that tattoo likely is a violation God’s will and command. Be honest to God and
be honest to yourself. When asking for guidance seek with a true heart and not with
just what you really want. Seek His will not yours. Don’t fake yourself by making false

If after asking these questions you can honestly say that the Holy Spirit is still leading you
to get the tattoo, then do it. And remember, just because your getting a cross, religious
symbol, or Bible verse tattoo, it doesn’t automatically make it okay.

You say – well I already have the tattoo and I didn’t ask God’s permission. Now what?
Here’s the beauty of Jesus. There is no sin that His blood can not cover. As a believer
and follower of Christ you are forgiven. He says, “go and sin no more”. Now see if you
can turn that tattoo into some type of testimony for Christ. God loves to turn bad into good.

I do not believe that most people, if honest with themselves and God, will get a go ahead
on a tattoo, though there may be a few.

The reason I think this is because of many factors working against tattooing.

Firstly, most tattoos today are applied due to rebellion. Most tattooed people are the first
to admit this. The Bible, from cover to cover, and over and over, condemns rebellion.
The Lord God considered rebellion so serious – He compared rebellion to witchcraft.
And may I remind you, witchcraft was punishable by death!

"For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, . . . "
1 Samuel 15:23

"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."
Exodus 22:18

And if there’s one message the tattoo cries out – loud and clear – it’s rebellion.

I know what you are thinking:

"Hey dude, yea man, I’m a rebel just like Jesus. Yea, man, He was
the real rebel. He rebelled against the system, man. Yea, man, He’s
the ultimate rebel. Man, like, that’s why I wear my tattoos – I’m
rebelling against the system."

Let’s get something straight! The Lord Jesus Christ was NOT A REBEL! The Bible is
very clear. The Lord Jesus Christ was OBEDIENT unto death – even the death of
the cross!

Phil. 2:8
And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient
unto death, even the death of the cross.

Yes. The Lord Jesus Christ was ‘against’ the world and the system – but it was
because the world was the REBEL – not the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank God – He
was OBEDIENT to the will of God. The world, the flesh and the devil REBELLED
and is REBELLING against the Word of God.

Plus, as mentioned before, throughout history tattoos have always been associated
with paganistic and even satanistic rituals.

Rolling Stone magazine had an article on the famous tattooist Paul Booth. Booth,
one of the world's most sought after tattoo artist, has tattooed the bodies of many
rock stars. Booth has a waiting list of over two years! Booth's tattoo chamber is
desecrated with real human skulls, customers' thank you notes written in blood,
torture devices, upside down crosses, Satanic Goat of Mendes, meat hooks, and
mummified animals. Rolling Stone says Booth's evil work is for those who, ". . . love
death, perversion, blasphemy and torture. . ."(Rolling Stone, March 28, 2002, p. 39)

Booth's blasphemy and vile filth includes decapitated Christ figures, ghastly demons,
transvestite nuns severing their own genitals, melting skulls and about every other
blasphemous filth "spawned from hell". Booth's very first "inspired" tattoo was three
fanged, skinless demons on the back of his girlfriend.
(Rolling Stone, March 28, 2002, p. 40)

Here's how Booth's own web site describes his blasphemous, satanic tattoos and
mission: "Spewed from the depth of Hell, Paul's mission has been to reconfigure
human hides and spread divine declarations of Blasphemy."

May I remind you -- this is one of the most sought after and top tattoo artists in the whole world!

Tattoo artist "Liorcifer" says on his web site:
"Liorcifer is a spawn of Satan, brother of Lucifier, Soldier of Darkness, warrior
against all that is good and holy. Liocifer has been leaving his mark on flesh since
the dawn of time."

Another popular tattoo artist, Tim Kern writes of his Bio on his web site:
"A faithless Deviant, Tim has been staining skin since the Black Plague. Soon to
be one of Satan's leading henchmen, Tim will spread Profane Immorality with each
stroke of his Evil machine. . ."

Is there any doubt who is the "master tattooist"?

For some are already turned aside after Satan.
1 Timothy 5:15

Neither give place to the devil.
Ephesians 4:27

WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THIS THEN VISIT THIS SITE:http://www.biblebelievers.com/watkins_tattoos/intro.html
The site hyperlinked above makes a case against tattoos but makes some great points.

Also know that tattoos pose an extreme health threat.
One of the major contributors to Hepatitis are tattoo parlors.

You may say - well, I am not getting a tattoo as a pagan ritual or in rebellion.
You may not be, but by getting one you are indulging in the same practices that they
indulge in, cherish, revel, and even worship in. Our God tells us to be set apart from
the world not to partake in its ways. Yes, be in the world but not a part of it.

1 John 2:15- Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone

loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

John 15:19- If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own.

As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen

you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.

For me personally, after considering all this, it would be very difficult for me to
justify a tattoo on my body. If, however, you still feel led by the Holy Spirit to
get a tattoo then make sure it is the Holy Spirit leading you.

Choose wisely.

God Bless.

In all your ways acknowledge Him,

And He will make your paths straight. - Proverbs 3:6


Anonymous said...

So if I get a tattoo of my son, I will be out of God's will? Even though he died at only 15, and never hurt anyone in his life and made this world a better place?

Anonymous said...

The tattoo would be for you so it is not a matter of your son. Even if getting a tattoo of Jesus - who also never hurt anyone - the same principles would apply. Plus, as I was trying to point out in the blog the issue of being God's Will or not is not for another to decide. Others can provide and should provide counsel but the ultimate decision is with you. This is between you and how the Holy Spirit leads you. Remember it is not the tattoo that is wrong in itself, but whether you have seeked God's will and followed it after relying on his answer. Let's say, you honestly and earnestly seek His counsel and the counsel of others that walk with the Lord and you also search God's Word. Let's say you have done all these. You may get a prompting to get the tattoo then in fact you would be against God's will if you failed to get the tattoo. Of course, the reverse situation could also apply. The ultimate question is this - are you seeking God's will and then following it after seeking it so that ultimately He is deliberately Glorified in some way or form?

Anonymous said...

I like the way you took it. I'm sure it took quite a bit of research and contemplating. For your opinions I'm sure you will be receiving some interesting messages to say the least. A lot of people won't agree with your stance on the subject. My question really is that you say that we should take this to God in prayer before making that decision. To me I would think you should take any decision to Him not just about a tattoo. Of course I don't mean should I turn left here or go down this street instead of another. I was also thinking about and you said that a tattoo can become a symbol or image of worship. Wouldn't that be comparable to a cross on your chain or your favorite Christian artist? It could even be stretched as far as your favorite Bible. These are all symbols of Christianity and we treat them all with a level or respect, however I do agree with you it can be taken too far. People don't place Bibles on the floor out of respect, but honestly it's just another book. The writing on the inside is what is important, now how elaborate the cover is. Anyway I'm just ranting now.

Anonymous said...

The song was lets say not exactly what I was expecting. Unfortunately it did not make me dance but it did make me laugh a little. Sorry if that's not the answer you're looking for, but it is simply my opinion.

That's exactly the answer I was looking for, but it would have been better
if you turned up your speakers full blast for the benefit of all
in your office :)

Ok so I read your little blog about the tattoo. I like the way you took it. I'm sure it took quite a bit of research and contemplating. For your opinions I'm sure you will be receiving some interesting messages to say the least. A lot of people won't agree with your stance on the subject.

I am sure many will not agree - but then again I am not looking for agreement.
However, not all of it was opinions a lot of it was fact. Anyway, what is it that you think my stance is?
I think you may have missed it.

My question really is that you say that we should take this to God in prayer before making that decision. To me I would think you should take any decision to Him not just about a tattoo.

Yes, I agree ...you should make all decisions with the Holy Spirit's guidance.
That is why I quoted :
1 Cor 10:31 - glorify him, in anything and everything that we do.

Plus the namesake of the whole blog site is "LIFESONG"
which means exactly that.
My blog theme/motoo is:
"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." - Colossians 3:17

So in no way was I implying that this is the only thing you should take to God in prayer.
In addition, prayer was only one thing I mentioned. Prayer is only part of it.

I was also thinking about and you said that a tattoo can become a symbol or image of worship. Wouldn't that be comparable to a cross on your chain or your favorite Christian artist?

Well, certainally anything can become an idol. An object, money, lifestyles, relationships, almost anything.
However, what I was implying is that if someone puts so much faith in their tattoo (and some do)
that it can become an idol. For example, some people get tattoos of passed away loved ones.
In turn, then these can sometimes become idols when people turn to the tattoos to comfort them rather then turning to God to comfort them. In addition, tattoos have been dated way, way back. For example, in Lev 19:28 (which I qutoed) the reason that tattoos were forbidden then is becuase they were applied
to appease false gods. In essence the tattoos were being used to blasphemy the one true God. Therefore, the
objects of worhip was not the God of Israel but false gods and/or their representations.

It could even be stretched as far as your favorite Bible. These are all symbols of Christianity and we treat them all with a level or respect, however I do agree with you it can be taken too far. People don't place Bibles on the floor out of respect, but honestly it's just another book. The writing on the inside is what is important, now how elaborate the cover is. Anyway I'm just ranting now.

Certainally we are not to worship the Bible. We are only to worship God.
There is a difference in respect and worship. Once you begin to worship the object be it a
Bible, Cross, or something else then this is where it becomes idolatry. There is certainally
not anything wrong with people not wanting to lay the Bible on the floor
just as you may not lay a work of art face down on the floor. This does not mean we
worship it but we respect it. However, if this is done because you are worshiping
these objects then it's wrong. It all boils doen to what is in your heart.
God looks at the heart...that's what he is concerned with most.

I was really wanting to e-mail you with this link to some radio control cars. I know Christmas is coming up soon and just though Luke and Noah may enjoy these. I just happened to come across this really good deal. www.woot.com but you have to go to the site today or it won't show you the item.

Cool thanks....that's a good tip. We may look into it.